VARICOSE VEINS ARE DIALATED, tortuous, elongated and superficial veins that are occurs when veins aren’t functioning properly. Any vein that is close to skins surface (superficial) can become varicosed. Varicose veins most commonly affect the veins in the legs. That is because standing and walking increase pressure in the veins of the lower body. For many people varicose veins are simply a cosmetic concern. For other people it can cause aching pain and discomfort. Sometimes varicose veins lead to more serious problems like sore, ulcer etc.
- Pregnancy
- Menopause
- Age over 50
- Standing for long period
- Obesity
- Family history of varicose vein
- OCP use
- Bulging veins: twisted swollen rope like veins are blue or purple colour
- Heavy leg: muscles in leg may feel tiered heavy or sluggish especially after physical activity
- Itching: the area around varicose veins may itch.
- Pain: aching pain especially behind knees and muscle cramp is present
- Swelling: legs, ankle and feet can swell and throb
- Skin discoloration and ulcers: when varicose veins left untreated cause brown discoloration on skin. Severe varicose veins can cause venous ulcers in skin
- Age: aging process lost the elasticity of veins and stiffen.
- Gender: female hormones can allow the wall of the veins to stretch which may leads to varicose veins
- Family history: can be inherited
- Life style: standing or sitting for longer periods decreases blood flow towards the heart
- Weight: excess weight put pressure on blood vessels.
- Tobacco use: using of tobacco products are more likely to develop varicose veins
- Diseases: severe constipation or certain tumour increase pressure in veins
- Progesterone pills: it will increase the viscosity of the blood and increase the chance of getting varicose vein
- Pregnancy: pressure and high level of progesterone causes for varicosity.
- INTERNAL MECINES which are increasing metabolism and blood purifying are given for better functioning of circulatory system
- External therapies like,
- Veshtana: wraping of cloth for symptomatic relief in aching pain, heaviness etc
- Siravyadha: blood letting through venesection
- Leech therapy: blood letting using leeches
- Virechana: purgation to balance the dosas
- Abyanga and swedana: to improve collateral circulation
- Lepanam: rep[air the damages of muscles and skin which caused by reduced circulation.