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The Sanskrit meaning of the term Panchakarma means five actions. It includes the purification procedures like Vamana (emesis),  Virechana(purgation), Niroohavasti( decoction enema), Nasya(medicine insertion through nostrils), and  Anuvasanavasti (oil enema). These procedures are vital and essential for the purification of the body through Ayurveda. The procedures and process may change depending on the individual’s health conditions. The benefits of  Panchakarma treatments include broader areas like, restoring metabolic activities, detoxifying the body, reducing stress, fostering tolerance and relaxation, magnifying immunity, and slowing down the aging process.

Under strict supervision and guidelines of medical professionals, Suvaidya provides worthwhile Panchakarma treatments and wellness programs. We also impart special treatments like different types of kizhi, dhara, Abhyanga etc.

The impact of long-term stress varies enormously from person to person and can have far reaching consequences if left unmanaged. People may develop sleeplessness, loss of memory, Laziness, Change in food habit etc. Some people may smoke, consume more alcohol or take drugs to relieve stress. Long-term stress, and the associated stress response, can also impact on our physical health in other ways. Ayurveda is an effective method for minimizing stress and for refilling internal joy within ourselves. The principles and ideologies of Ayurveda thoroughly focus on the psychological stability and maintaining of a stress-free life.

Anorectal conditions affect the anus and rectum. Fissures, fistulas, condyloma, and hemorrhoids are among the most common anorectal conditions. In some cases, symptoms like pain, itching, burning, bleeding, and swelling can significantly affect a patient’s lifestyle. Ayurvedic treatments for this anorectal disease can reduce the impact and also removes the root causes. Suvaidya provides precise treatments according to the severity of the disease. With the touch of care and proper regulation of professionals, we offer Bhaishajya chikitsa(medication), Kshara, Kshara sootra, Sastra chikitsa (surgical intervention), Instillation, Avagaham, and Agnikarma ( cauterization).

Marmas are the anatomical points in the body. According to Ayurveda, these marmas hold life energy. In Sports medicine we apply the science and art of Ayurveda from a preventive and therapeutic pint of view to the practice of sports and physical activities and to maintain positive health.

Suvaidya provides a wide number of treatment methods for Fractures, Dislocations , LBA, Cervical spondylosis, Listhesis, Tendinitis, , Wound, Ligament Injuries, Muscle spasms, ACL Tear, PCL Tear etc.The treatment varies from individuals to individuals according to body type and injuries.

Postnatal care can be considered as a healing method for retaining body strength after delivery. The Ayurvedic approach towards motherhood and childbirth restores the positivity by removing toxins. Suvaidya is gathered up with an efficient medical team for nurturing  and caring you in pre and post-natal periods. We ensure proper Mother’s diet plan, treatments, internal medicines and child care.

Suvaidya always gives priority to the overall wellbeing and health of our patients, and for that, we provide rehabilitation and physiotherapy through Ayurvedic impulse. Personalized therapies for men and women are also included in our service list. With years of experience and virtuous histories, Suvaidya accords various rehabilitation initiatives including Yoga, speech therapy, occupational therapy, Special Education  and counseling programs.

Cosmetology includes the enhancement of beauty and alteration of appearance . The beauty of skin and hair basically depends on individual health, age, diets, habits, routine, climate etc. Suvaidya’s Cosmetology department provide- Herbal facial, Herbal face massage, High frequency facial, Black and white head treatment, Hot oil treatment , Hand and Foot care, Galvanic Herbal facial, Herbal hair pack, Dandruff treatment.

Skin is an organ which represents some inner abnormalities and stress conditions within one’s body. Tvak (Skin) is just like a mirror reflection and manifesting various type of inner abnormality or diseased condition. Dermatology deals with skin health and related diseases. Ayurvedic treatment for skin problems are internal medicines  and external applications of herbs  that improves skin texture and eliminate vitiated tridoshas from the body as they are mainly responsible for skin disorders and other diseases.Ayurvedic dermatology mainly concentrates Acne,Eczema, Herpes, Psoriasis, Vitiligo/leucoderma, Boils and Carbuncles, Melasma, Warts, Fungal skin Infection, Corns, Nail infections etc.

A virtual platform to consult our doctor.We are living in a digital era, and conventional modes of consulting are changed into digital platforms. Suvaidya extends you a time saving, stress-free, and cost-effective treatment experience. We are gathered for promoting effective treatments to urban and suburbs with pristine Ayurveda. Through easy interaction, we are always there for you by providing delivery of trusted Ayurvedic medicines.

Provide quality ayurvedic medicines from various trusted companies , both classical and patent products. Our pharmacy also dispensing special costomised ayurvedic preparations which are prescribed by our doctors, Natural healthy honey  , cosmetics products etc.

***medicines can be purchased through offline and online.



Our doctor is now at your doorstep. Suvaidya provides Home care services in adjasent villages of our locality.


Suvaidya is happy to introduce our new platform –Medicine @ your doorste. All quality Ayurvedic medicines at yor home or work place. This will be more convenient to our clients time saving , Money saving etc.